Peter Arnett Maurice Cavalieri The Cleaning Lady Rose Cline Jack Foise Mark Godfrey Denis Gray Larry Green Peter Hazelhurst Shozo Hirose Don Hirst John Hogan Arnold Isaacs Philip Jones Griffiths Henry Kamm Edith Lederer Michel Lipschitz Arthur Lord Michel Laurent Hugh Mulligan Vo Huynh Kristal Pilz Carl Robinson Roy Rowan Toshio Sakai Sydney Schanberg Marianne Schmidt Neil Sheehan Mike Snitowsky Boris Spremo Hunter Thompson Jacques Tonnaire Nick Ut James Wilbor Lu Xay
During the Vietnam War the AP bureau in Saigon was a crossroads of sorts. Correspondents and photographers, the military, relief workers, political figures, adventurers, all streamed through. While in Saigon I made Polaroid portraits of many people who walked in. By war's end there were hundred of pictures. Some subjects nervously asked me if I was making obituary photos. The answer was no. Only a few did not survive the war. - Neal UlevichReturn to Vietnam page